Little People in Bremen – A special city guide of Bremen
A book for tourists, natives and lovers of this charming city on the Weser.

Let yourself be guided by the smallest inhabitants of the city to Bremen‘s most famous places around the Old City.
Experience with them Bremen history, customs and everyday moments.
One might almost think they were alive.
A look into the book on to the tour through the Old City of Bremen
Heini Holtenbeen (1835-1909)
Holtenbeen means Woodenleg in old nothern germany language „platt-dütsch“ that is still spoken in some areas in the countryside.
He was a famous local character. The apprentice of a tobacco storeman fell from a roof hatch, suffered permanent brain damage and kept a lame leg. He was famous for his bizarre nature. In front of the stock market he took the already half smoked cigars from the traders. Gifts of money he politely accepted as „loans“ and surprised with pert replies.

Wedding at the Cathedral of St. Petri dom of Bremen
For members of the Protestant church of St. Petri, the yes-word in the Cathedral of Bremen is something very special. Also the traditional sweeping of the steps takes place here. It says that an unmarried man on his 30th birthday has to sweep the stairs, until a virgin kisses him free.

The Bremen Town Musicians.
Title of a fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm written in 1819. Donkey, dog, cat and rooster, no longer useful to their owners because of old age, flee from death to become town musicians in Bremen. A legend says, that embracing the front legs of the donkey of the statue by Gerhard Marcks, fulfills a wish.

The tour follows through the old town of Bremen
From the historical Central Station in Bremen to Sögestraße, Dom, Domsheide, Gesche Gottfried Spittingstone, Bremen Market Place, Bremen Hole, Bremen Art Museum, Böttcherstraße, Schlachte and the famous Football Weserstadion.

If you wish to order my book, just send me an e-mail to
The book costs 15 Euro
Birgit Münkner
Kreissparkasse Verden
IBAN DE44 2915 2670 0020 1825 98
Read something about the author..

„Our Planet“ on the Domshof.
Birgit Münkner has lived in Fischerhude, an artistic village in the Bremen area, for 22 years. She works as a freelance graphic artist and media designer, author and photographer.
The fascination with macro photography and experimentation in miniature worlds, as well as the love for her former home Bremen, brings her together in this book.